Thamara Maura

Thamara Maura

UEFA Champions League



We transformed the message "Nada mais importa" into visual elements that bring urgency and fear of missing out.

Pictures → Attitude of the players.
Stamp → A strong visual element that calls to the knockout phase.
Cup → The element that synthesizes victory is now even more central.

art director graphic design
All images and copywriting sources provided and protected by HBO Max.
My role Thamara Maura Sr. Designer / Art Director

Isabella Pipitone - Sr. Creative Manager | Sttenio Costa - Sr. Art Director | Bruno Lanzo - Sr. Motion Designer | Gustavo Lacerda - Writer/Creative | Lucas Rodriguez - Writer/Creative | Arthur Teixeira - Sr. Designer / Art Director | Italo Medeiros - Sr. Art Director | Liliane Sousa - Motion Designer | Larissa Lima - Video Editor | Heitor Giunge - Video Editor | Luisa Dal Mas - Social Media Manager | Guilherme Moura - Social Media Manager | Thiago Santos - Community Management Analyst | Paula Pitanga - Creative Production Manager | Eduardo Aguiar - Brand Marketing Manager


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